
Congratulations! You have successfully registered.
Read below for the next step

This one may be the hardest part of the application. WAITING.

After filling in your registration, we will verify your application especially if you are using an online platform to market.

Your application is verified to:
1) make sure that the platform that you are planning to share the products and services is clean. We do this to uphold the values of our clients and to protect their brands.
2) to request for more information or correct information where there is need. We want to get it right the first time.

This process should take 48hours. In the unlikely event that we do take longer please send an email to the Affiliate Manager at:

Whilst you wait you can:
1) join the affiliate Facebook Group
2)familiarise yourself with the Content Standards and Guidelines.
3) read more on the Terms & Conditions  
4) jump on to our loaded blog 

See you on the inside.